Eight years in the Marines completed, Sergeant Michael returned to college and finished his degree, despite the lingering injuries related to his service. While looking for a job with his new credentials, he and his wife divorced, which lead to numerous financial difficulties.  Struggling to make mortgage payments on his house without his wife’s financial support, Michael was forced to take out some emergency loans.  Eventually, he lost the house, and moved back to his hometown.  He was still looking for a job, but now homeless.  Not having a permanent address meant that Michael could no longer have visitation with his daughter, which was heart-breaking for him.

Michael needed help with a deposit for an apartment, so he reached out to SALUTE.  SALUTE was able to provide the security deposit and Michael was able to be reunited with his daughter.

“Sometimes, no matter who you are, you find yourself in a time of need, and I’m happy I set my ego aside and reached out.  Your organization has been a pinnacle turning point in my life.”                                    Sgt. Michael, USMC (Retired)

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