NOTE: Due to the high volume of veteran applications, we will be temporarily closing the application portal in order to process the requests already received. We expect to re-open the application portal on April 15th.
We appreciate your understanding and look forward to assisting you after April 15th.
We know deployment to active duty, injury and/or the transition back to civilian life can cause military personnel, veterans and their families a great deal of emotional and financial stress. SALUTE, INC. helps affected families by providing one-time financial aid for rent/mortgage payments, auto expenses, phone, utility bills, and other everyday living expenses.
BRAVE is a Traumatic Brain Injury recovery program specifically designed for military veterans and first responders. BRAVE is an intensive outpatient program that focuses on diagnosing and treating brain injuries so participants can return to a normal life. Participants in the BRAVE program receive treatment at the Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin Greenfield Highlands Health Center. The clinic was specially designed for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of brain injuries.
ApplyThe Emory Healthcare Veterans Program (EHVP) provides no-cost, collaborative care for post-9/11 veterans and service members, living in any area of the country, who suffer from the invisible wounds of military service. Conditions treated include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), military sexual trauma (MST), depression and anxiety. Treatment options include outpatient and intensive outpatient programs integrating expert behavioral health care, including psychiatry and neurology, rehabilitative medicine, wellness, and family support. In addition to clinical care, EHVP is dedicated to education and research to ensure state-of-the-art treatment for our country's warriors.
ApplyWhat is financial wellness? It’s the peace of mind you feel when you’ve balanced saving and spending … living well today and planning for tomorrow. Visit this website and discover how well you’re spending, planning and protecting your money and assets, and get tips to do better.
Home Base, a Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital Program, is dedicated to healing the invisible wounds for Post -9/11 veterans, service members and their families through world-class clinical care, wellness, education and research. As a National Center of Excellence, Home Base operates the first and largest private-sector clinic in the nation devoted to healing invisible wounds such as post-traumatic stress, traumatic brain injury, anxiety, depression, co-occurring substance use disorder, military sexual trauma, family relationship challenges and other issues associated with military service.
ApplyNeuro Community Care LLC (NCC) is an independent provider of Case Management and Community Support Services for persons with brain injury and other neurological disorders (e.g., stroke, brain tumor, ALS, spinal cord injury). NCC’s services are provided in an individual’s home or community and are functionally based. This translates to real-life skill development and stabilization, which increases the likelihood of independence and decreases the occurrence of decline and/or crises which may lead to repeated admissions to costly hospital and rehabilitation programs.
ApplyThe SHARE Initiative at Shepherd Center provides rehabilitation and community-based care to U.S. military service members who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. The program utilizes Shepherd’s full rehabilitation continuum of evaluation and treatment services for those who have sustained brain injury, spinal cord injury or blast injury. SHARE provides assistance, support, and education to service members and their families during their recovery treatment and beyond. In addition, the program compiles data that is beneficial to policy and legislative change to provide for unfunded services.
ApplySALUTE, INC. provides assistance to families of injured military personnel hospitalized at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab . Financial Assistance can be provided in areas including, but not limited to, transportation, personal needs, supplemental housing/moving costs, computer purchases and other incidental living expenses.
ApplyThe Tampa Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center is one of five facilities in the country designed to provide intensive rehabilitative care to Veterans and Servicemembers who experienced severe injuries (including brain injuries). They maintain a full team of dedicated rehabilitation professionals and consultants from other specialties related to polytrauma. page.
ApplySALUTE is proud to provide ergonomically correct, orthopedic canes to veterans and military personnel. The canes are supplied free of cost to veterans and military service members. The Walking Tall Cane program was established in honor of Marine Lance Cpl. Phillip Frank, who was killed in action in April, 2004. Individuals interested in a cane should contact